Brooks Binau

Farmer - Educator


With over 14 years of experience in agricultural and environmental education, I am a compassionate educator who truly cares about my students, my colleagues, my community, and the earth we all call home. I want to be a part of a wider mission to educate people to solve the challenges of the Anthropocene while moving towards a more just, equitable, regenerative, and sustainable world. I am interested in the known connections between soil microflora and the human gut microbiome, and I believe we are at the beginning of a paradigm shift towards a regenerative agriculture system with a focus on soil health. I am passionate about providing communities nutrient dense food by focusing on soil health, agroecology, and food safety, utilizing lean, holistic and regenerative organic principles. I have a master's degree in geography and environmental systems.


Farm and Garden Consulting

Garden Coaching

Presentation or Educational Event

Previous Projects